What Drives You? @aidan_sami

Being an amazing young photographer who's work not only inspires but motivates me to continue to create content, it only seemed fitting that I did a feature on Aidan Sami from New Zealand for my 'What Drives You?' series.

Aidan has been a huge Stay Driven supporter since day one (which I am forever grateful for!) and recently sent through a bunch of images that I have been dying to share, along with his story.

Enjoy! ♡


There are multiple things that drive me in life but God is my main motivation. Being a Christian has been an absolute blessing for me. It helps me to inspire those around me. I love helping people and allowing them to open their mind to think out of the box. I love seeing people strive and chase their own dreams and aspirations. This motivates me because seeing people happy and content with life is very fulfilling.

Being a photographer, I see things from a different perspective. I believe learning in life is so important. Without even realising it, we learn new things every day.

Whether it be from the people you surround yourself with or people you see on social media. If I can give one piece of advice it would be to continue learning and opening your mind to the endless possibilities life has to offer.


The people who inspire you are so important. They teach you values and ideas to get you motivated. In order to inspire others, you need to be drawn to that thing that inspires you.

The one person who inspires me is definitely my brother. Obviously, having grown up with him over the years, I have learnt so much from him. Things to do with life, photography, learning values and so much more. My brother Aaron (@aaronsami), is currently living and working in London while travelling and seeing the world. Being inspired by him, this is something I dream to do myself one day.

3 | What do you do and how did you get into photography?

I am a student currently studying a Bachelor of Media Arts in Communications. Photography is my main hobby which over the years has led me to become a self-taught photographer. I have shot weddings, 21st’s and other occasions. I use Instagram (@aidan_sami) to share the content I create, in hopes that the photos I take inspire those who view it.

I got into photography when my brother first showed me Instagram. At the time, I had the first iPod touch with a camera. I used that to take photos of things that I thought were ‘cool’. Since then I went to a iPhone 3GS, iPhone 5, Canon 400D and currently use a Canon 70D.

Being a photographer and working in the creative industry and being around inspiring souls is something I highly recommend. As cliché as it sounds we must surround ourselves with people of great calibre and nature in order to allow us to follow and strive for our own greatest aspirations.

4) What does Stay Driven mean to you?

What does Stay Driven mean to me? Well, to me Stay Driven means to chase your dreams, no matter how wild and to not let anything stop you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything. If they do, prove them wrong. Stay humble, strive to be the best you can be and while doing all of that simply Stay Driven!

Be inspired by more of Aidan's work on the links below:

Stay Scheming Son

BTW one thing I absolutely love doing is putting together lookbooks and sharing your stories, so if you're reading this and you'd love to be featured please shoot me an email!